About Us

Understanding how the world works has always been a passion of mine. As a successful eco-friendly entrepreneur, I enjoy the steady challenges of pushing the limits and stepping outside the boundaries to find a better more efficient, and green solution. With over a decade in contracting and construction experience, my fondness for solar energy has only grown. From developing customized solutions for clients to following their own vision, I have continued to strive for a brighter and greener tomorrow.

In my spare time, I enjoy taking on new adventures ranging from skydiving to piloting and even trying to figure out new ways to improve not only my personal life, but my professional one as well. When people see the name David Shimony, I want them to think of someone who has a true drive for bringing a better solution to not only the commercial world, but also a sense of enlightenment to everyone.

As a yoga enthusiast, I frequently practice different breathing and mediation techniques. I am a firm believer in centering one’s self in order to achieve proficient productivity. A clear mind is a focused one. With clarity, you can find solutions. I am David Shimony and my vision is to change the world by providing earth-friendly solutions.

As a big dreamer, I constantly find myself with new challenges and exciting passions to take on. As a successful entrepreneur, building several businesses from the ground up, I enjoy the thrill and excitement of marketing challenges, where I can use my marketing experience and world-class offer-positioning skills to leverage success where needed.

Stemming from my past successes, it’s uncommon to find me wading in stagnant waters. I believe in analyzing the problem, developing a logical & efficient solution, and executing with flawless succession.

When I am not chasing one of my many passions, like traveling, exercise, or martial arts, I am looking forward to a sustainable future. One where natural resource depletion is no longer a concern. A world where we capitalize and utilize the Earth’s renewable energies so that we can ensure a better tomorrow; one equipped with clean air, trees, and the resources needed to keep future generations thriving.

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